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Slovenia: Legal aspects of solar power plants

Solar power has seen the biggest growth of renewable energy sources in recent years. Solar energy is the cheapest and most accessible energy source for everyone. In Slovenia, solar power plants are regulated by regulations and laws relating to the production of electricity from renewable sources such as solar energy, wind, hydroelectricity and biomass. With rising energy prices, investing in a solar power plant is an investment that pays for itself quickly and the investor will be less exposed to volatile global energy markets.

Currently, the biggest barrier to promoting self-supply in Slovenia is consent, as the connection of the installation must be approved by the distribution operator SODO. Solar power plants up to 10 kW only need to obtain an application or permit to connect to the electricity grid, while solar power plants above 10 kW also need to obtain an energy permit. Before investing in self-supply, compliance with the Municipal Spatial Plan and the capacity of the distribution network must be checked and considered. The process of building a solar power plant in Slovenia usually takes place in several steps:

  1. Project planning and preparation: this step involves first assessing the feasibility of the project, preparing a plan for the solar power plant, and obtaining the necessary permits and consents.
  2. Selection of a suitable site: choosing the right site is crucial to optimise the use of solar energy. It is advisable to choose a location for the solar power plant that is exposed to the sun for most of the day.
  3. Obtaining the necessary permits: the construction of a solar power plant usually requires a building permit, an energy permit, and a connection permit. This step requires all the conditions and requirements laid down by law to be met. Before the investment starts, the connection of the installation must first be approved by the distribution operator SODO.
  4. Financing the project: the financing of the construction of a solar power plant can be done with own resources or through loans or subsidies. In Slovenia, investment in a solar power plant is encouraged by subsidies and other incentives from public funds and agencies such as the Energy Agency and Eco Fund. Subsidies can provide part or all the financing for a project.
  5. Construction of the solar power plant: once all the necessary permits have been obtained and financing has been secured, construction of the solar power plant starts. The construction includes the installation of beams, solar modules, inverters, transformers, and other equipment.
  6. Connection to the electricity grid: once construction is completed, a connection permit must be obtained, and the solar power plant must be connected to the electricity grid.

When planning and building a solar power plant in Slovenia, it is important to comply with the applicable legislation and obtain all the necessary permits. For all further information regarding building a solar power plant in Slovenia, contact ALG partner in Slovenia - Odvetniška družba Završek & Šnajder o.p., d.o.o.

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