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Slovenia: Quick ABC's of Slovenian Companies Nomenclature

Individuals in Slovenia most often operate as sole traders (samostojni podjetnik; abbreviation: s.p.). When it comes to legal entities, they may choose from a bigger pool of possibilities and establish different forms of businesses: the most common are the limited liability company (družba z omejeno odgovornostjo; abbreviation: d.o.o.) and public limited company (delniška družba; abbreviation: d.d.). Other possible forms of companies are as follows: unlimited liability company (družba z neomejeno odgovornostjo; abbreviation: d.n.o.), limited partnership (komanditna družba; abbreviation: k.d.) and limited partnership with share capital (komanditna delniška družba; abbreviation: k.d.d.)

One must also be wary, when it comes to registering a business that the Slovenian regulator differentiates between persons and legal entities of EU, EEA and Swiss confederation origins and other. Given the fact that Slovenia is a member of the EU, such differentiation is logical. However, as a non-resident of the Republic of Slovenia, prior to commencing operations, even an EU citizen must obtain a Slovenian tax number. Taking this into account, persons originating outside of the EU, EEA and Swiss confederation are subjected to more strenuous regulation and demands when it comes to registering a business/opening a company.

When a foreign person or legal entity decides on the type of company in the form of which they will conduct business, the next step is to follow the registration procedure: a company name must be decided and registered; the company must name a representative and specify the activities of the company; and have a head office where the activities of the company are going to be performed.

Useful links:

In need of further information or help with the process of company registration in Slovenia? Do not hesitate to contact the ALG partner in Slovenia – Odvetniška družba Završek & Šnajder o.p., d.o.o.

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